Any further technical information about Topcol?


Yes, we are willing to provide related technical information about Guangzhou Topcol Household Co., Ltd if requested. As for the basic information such as main materials, specifications, shapes, and main performance, you can easily find them on the product details displayed on our official website. Also, we have carefully-compiled technical documentation offered along with products. We can deliver it to you if you have the needs for it. Further technical information about what our products are made of and what properties they contain, please contact us.

Topcol has been focused on Metal coat hanger with sponge foam coating design, construction and service for decades. The wooden hangers series has become a hot product of Topcol. TOPCOL metal hangers is made by optical, mechanical, and quality assurance engineers. Their expertise in a wide range of imaging applications and technologies ensures the quality of this product. Using environmental friendly materials, odorless, tasteless and nontoxic. With the wedding hangers with pearls ,it's unnecessary for you to worry about quality problem. Applicable to homes, hotels and other places, reflecting the personalized needs.

We make a big commitment to internal and external customer satisfaction and to best practice decisions in every facet of the business. Call now!

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